API Target must be 30, from 1 November
A friendly reminder that from the 1st November, all apps including updates, must target API Level 30 to be published on Google Play Store.
All details here
DroidCon Italy, 11–12 November 2021, online
If you can’t attend Berlin and London, DroidCon Italy is a great option to join online for an affordable price and get to listen to the most important talks.
Chet Haase will again kick off the event with a Keynote.
Great speakers will share the best trend in Android Development.
The schedule can be found here
Tickets starts at €39 and you can get goodies for €15 extra
October: The Android Agenda
Hacktober is back again and with restrictions easing everywhere in the world a lot of conferences are set for October. It may feel like BackToSchool for all AndroidDevs!
Let’s review the busy agenda!
Hacktober fest, entire month of October, World wide
For a few years, Hacktober fest, organised by digital ocean is a popular event to encourage new developers to…